Barbara Montag HanousekWHAT ARE GRANDMAS FOR?
Grandmas are for stories about things of long ago. Grandmas are for caring about all the things you know... Grandmas are for rocking you and singing you to sleep. Grandmas are for giving you nice memories to keep... Grandmas are for knowing all the things you're dreaming of... But, most importantly of all, Grandmas are for love. ~ Author Unknown “What is a weed? |
... as time go's by.
2018 Annual christmas cookie bake offFrom Left to Right:
Barb Montag Hanousek - Mary Hanousek Kovacs - Donna Hanousek Slotten - Katy Kressen Hanousek - Abby Steers - Olivia Hanousek Every year in December the Hanousek's have their Christmas Cookie Bake. Home full of love, cheer, laughter, smiles and the pleasnant smell of fresh baked cookies.